If you are reading these lines, chances are you have decided to get married in the great State of Texas.

As you embark on this exciting journey, you may have a long list of tasks to fulfill: shopping for rings, reserving the wedding venue, drafting a guest list, oh my! A most important ‘must do’ that can’t be overlooked, is securing your Texas marriage license. A marriage can’t be celebrated without it. So, if you are wondering what you need to get a marriage license in Texas, save this guide. It is meant to provide you with factual answers to all the questions you can possibly have, from:
How long does it take to get a marriage license in Texas?
Can you get a Texas marriage license online?
This guide will also address the cost of marriage license in Texas and what savvy Texans do to save time and money.
Did I get your attention?
Let’s get started then.
Texas Marriage License Requirements
Parties must be at least 18 years of age
Both must appear in person to apply for a Texas marriage license at any of the 254 Texas Counties.
Present proof of identity. Any of the following valid government issued picture ID’s is acceptable:
Driver's license
State ID
Military ID
US Visa
4. Be ready to provide your respective social security numbers. There is no need to show the card.

Online Marriage License
While Texas law requires that both parties appear in person when applying for a marriage license, you may want to fill out a Texas marriage license application online and bring it with you when you meet the county clerk.
Keep in mind that highly populated cities may have more than one location where to apply. If you plan to apply for a marriage license in Houston Texas, for instance, you may go to any of the 10 clerk office locations available in Harris county.
Other counties request that the marriage license application be filled out and submitted online. This is the case if you plan to apply for a Dallas county marriage license. It is thus wise to check if your county requires that your Texas marriage license application be submitted prior to your showing up in person.

Applying for a Texas Marriage License. Special Cases:
Those under 18 years of age may be able to apply for a Texas marriage license, provided they:
Show a certified copy of the court order documenting their emancipation.
Submit proof of age and identity with government issued ID
Fill out an application for a Texas marriage license
Take the oath printed on the Texas marriage license application
Sign the application before the county clerk.
*Non-Texas Residents
Given that there is no residency requirement, a Texas marriage license can be issued to out-state couples and foreigners, provided they show in person and are ready to submit any of the following government issued picture IDs:
Driver's license
State of Residency ID
Military ID
US Visa (for foreigners)
In addition to regular marriage license fees, non-Texas residents pay an additional $100.00 fee when applying for a marriage license.
In all cases, once obtained, your Texas marriage license is valid for 90 days.
How To Skip The Mandatory Waiting Period
I bet you did not know that some US States have imposed a mandatory waiting period when applying for a marriage license. Texas is one of them.
So, how long does it take to get a marriage license in Texas? you may wonder. The answer is 3 days. This is because Texas law prevents a wedding to be celebrated within the first 72 hours after obtaining a Texas marriage license.
Some couples, however, are able to waive this mandatory waiting period by taking a Texas State approved Twogether In Texas course, now offered 100% online.
Completing a Twogether In Texas course will not only provide you the tools and skills to start marriage on the right foot for the both of you, it will also save you money. Depending on the Twogether In Texas partner you choose, you will not only get the State portion of the marriage license fee waived but it will leave money in your pocket.
Curious? Read on.

How Much Is A Marriage License In Texas?
The State of Texas marriage fee is $60.00. In addition, each county assesses a county fee which ranges from $11.00 to $22.00, bringing the total cost of marriage license in Texas from $71.00 to $82.00, depending on the county you are applying in. Fees are expected to be paid in cash or credit card.
Now comes the good news:
The $60.00 State portion of the Texas marriage license fee is totally waived for couples who present a Twogether In Texas Certificate of Completion. This official certificate can bring the price of marriage license in Texas down to a mere $11.00 in some cases, to a maximum of $22.00.

Texas is one of only 9 states in the USA that have state-run programs that provide incentives for those couples who complete an approved premarital education course. Twogether In Texas premarital preparation courses can only be offered by fully vetted providers throughout Texas. Twogether In Texas Online is an approved premarital course that offers Texas couples a self-paced video-based 100% online relationship education that is both informative and fun. At only $25.00 per couple, it is the most affordable Twogether In Texas Premarital Education course available.
Once couples complete this 8-hour self-paced online course, Twogether In Texas Online registers couples with the state program and an Official Twogether In Texas Certificate of Completion with serial number and bar code is generated by the State of Texas. Twogether In Texas Online forwards certificates to couples via email, twice a day, 7 days a week. This guarantees that couples get their certificates in the most timely manner. Twogether In Texas Online has rightfully earned it's name: "Home of the Same Day Certificate of Completion" Couples that show this Certificate of Completion to the County Clerk in any of the 254 Texas counties automatically receive a $60.00 discount in their marriage license, and waive the mandatory 3-day wait. GUARANTEED.
Twogether In Texas Online is authored and presented by Dr. Liliana Wolf, a five-star marriage and family therapist, recognized by HealthGrades as being at the top in her specialty nationwide. Thousands of Texans who have prepared for marriage with the Twogether In Texas Online have praised the course and have given it a consistent 5-star rating.

Getting married in Harris, Dallas, Tarrant or Collin Counties?
While you can apply for a Texas marriage license in any of the 254 Texas counties, Harris county, Dallas county, Tarrant County and and Collin County tend to be quite popular. Here are details about getting a marriage license in the counties where more marriages are celebrated in Texas.
Harris County Marriage License
Harris County is the most populous county in Texas and the third most populous county in the United States. Both applicants must apply for a Texas Marriage License in person at one of these Harris County 10 locations . The total fee for a marriage license in Harris county is $72.00. A $60.00 discount is granted to couples who present a Twogether In Texas Certificate of Completion.

Dallas County Marriage License
Dallas County is the state's second-most populous county. Only applications from those residing in Dallas county are accepted.
Marriage license application must be completed online. Call 214.653.6495 with reference number to schedule an appointment.
Address: Renaissance Tower - 1201 Elm Street, 21st Floor, Suite 2100A, Dallas, TX 75270 Phone: (214) 653-7099 • Fax: (214) 653-7176 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

Tarrant County is Texas' third-most populous county. Should you want to apply for a marriage license in Tarrant county, you can start the process online. Keep in mind that you still must appear in person to complete the application process. https://www.tarrantcounty.com/en/county-clerk/vital-records/marriage-licenses.html The cost of a marriage license is $81.00 or only $21.00 with the Twogether In Texas Certificate.

Collin County Marriage License
Only applications from those residing in Collin county are accepted. You can start the application online. Marriage licenses are issued by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, couples must contact the McKinney location at 972-548-4163 or the Plano location at 972-881-3025. The cost of a marriage license in Collin County is $81.00. Collin County couples are able to save $60 by presenting a Twogether In Texas Certificate.

Dr. Liliana Wolf, psychotherapist, former professor of psychology and international relationship expert, has been preparing couples for marriage at her Coral Gables office for over 20 years. She is an approved and certified provider of online premarital courses in all states extending incentives, Including the State of Texas where couples can save time and money in their Texas marriage license by showing an Official Twogether in Texas Certificate of Completion. Favored by couples about to be married, her courses have achieved a consistent 5-star rating, positioning her in the top 1% in sales of online courses by the Teachable platform worldwide. Ranked at the top 1% in the specialty of marriage and family nationwide by HealthGrades, Dr. Wolf is at the top of her game both as a clinician and professor.