Jack County
Twogether in Texas
Online Premarital Course
Comprising: Jacksboro, Bryson, Perrin, Jermyn, Joplin
Phone: (940) 567-2111
Fax: (940) 567-6441
County Clerk
100 N Main, Suite 208
Jacksboro, TX 76458
Jack County
Marriage License Information
In order to successfully apply for a marriage license in Jack County, the following items are required:
Applicants must appear together at the county clerk's office
Applicants must be 18+ years old
Valid photo ID such as driver’s license, military I.D. card, passport, etc.
Social Security Number (SSN)
Pay $82 marriage license fee
Be sure to call the county clerk's office ahead of time to make sure you don't need an appointment.
Couples that have completed a state-approved marriage class receive a $60 discount and waive the 72-hour waiting requirement to have a valid license.